Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Training Begins

OK! I am making a resolution tonight, that beginning tomorrow morning I will begin training for my 150 mile fundraising bike ride this August! I figure I need to keep myself honest by actually reporting on my progress via this blog. If I just resolve to do it in my head, it will never happen. I need the pressure of actually telling people that I'm going to do it!

I rode 10 miles last weekend, but I need to start doing that on a pretty regular basis and getting some 20+ mile rides in soon or I'll have one tired little butt come August.

I know I'm just not disciplined enough and don't actually care enough to actually get up and ride in the morning (plus it is still kind of cold), but I figure I can get up 15 minutes early to do some squats every morning to get those quads in better shape.

So, tomorrow, I will resolve to get up just a bit early and do 100 squats and 20 pushups. It's not much, but hey, we have to start somewhere, right? Honestly, the getting up 15 minutes early part will be the biggest challenge for me. I do love my sleep.

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